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Half a century ago, no one could even imagine how quickly biometric identification technologies will become an integral part of our life. For a long time, their use was limited only to law enforcement agencies. However, a number of events in different parts of the world have demonstrated that outdated systems of physical access and business protection have suffered a complete fiasco. The modern world requires a new approach to safety and quality of service.

A convincing example is the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March 2011, when many people lost their personal documents and bank cards. This was the reason for the creation of a unified biometric system that can guarantee a high level of security and prevent similar situations in the future.

The method of biometric identification of a person based on the vascular pattern of the palm appeared 20 years ago. However, thanks to the Japanese company, Fujitsu quickly expanded to all industries that required protecting information from unauthorized access and improving customer service.

Areas of application
Our solutions meet the needs of any area for which information data protection and personal security are important. The system of control of physical access on biometric parameters is a reliable assistant for business both in the conditions of a small office, and in the big corporation.
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Business benefits
Today, the equipment of world manufacturers of access control systems is based on vein scanning technology. Large-scale implemented projects include large banks in Japan, Korea and Switzerland, an airport in Germany, the Turkish national health system, a stadium in Hungary and many others. This diversity of objects has an explanation: biometric identification systems can be implemented according to any script and request. They solve many issues in various fields: from controlling the door and entering a computer network to access control and the implementation of international financial transactions.
The advantages of a biometric technology business application are obvious:
Protection of information data
Security of physical access
Accuracy and reliability of identification
Ease of use
Speed of recognition procedure
Eliminate fraud
Reducing budget expenditures
No need for documents, keys, passwords